Monday, 17 December 2012

Another Level Passed

Well, I had my last lesson til after the New Year today, and it was a good one!

I have officially passed Skate UK Level 3, and have now gotten further through the program than I did as a child - so I'm very happy. 

I had no falls today, which was nice, and am starting to make friends with some of the other adults who regularly visit the rink, which is even better.

I have some visual impairments that mean my balance and co-ordination have never been great, so every success on the ice is something I am very proud of, and so is my coach. We made another video today, this time of me doing forward chasses. These look very simple, and I admit, I do find them easy, but they're a starting point for crossovers, so very useful, in that they get you used to the feeling of lifting one foot off the ice, something that can be quite daunting at first.

So, here's the video

I've posted the link on a couple of skating related sites, and have had a few comments about how I'm smiling at the end of the video. I don't normally smile during pictures/videos! I prefer to be the photographer rather than the photographed, if you get what I mean. So the fact I'm smiling like that shows just how much I enjoy skating.

I love it, because it's hard sometimes, and some days you have a real nightmare time on the ice, like I did last week, 3 falls in 2 sessions. But it's all worth it when that move you've been working on for what seems like eternity, finally clicks. And some of the stuff I'm learning is scary at first, and sometimes I fall, and that makes me more scared. But I have a lovely coach who helps me push through the fear and when I overcome it, it's a real sense of accomplishment. 

I also shy away from wearing skirts, and tight fitting clothing, so for me to have the confidence to do that on the ice is great. You just wait, one of these days I'll post a video where I'm wearing a full on practice dress/tights combo! 

So yeah, there's lots of progress, and I'm kinda sad that I'm now not skating til after the festive period. 

Oh, and I love my rink - when I walked in today, everyone who saw me fall and bruise my elbow was lovely, asking how my arm was and if I was OK, and it felt good, I knew I was somewhere I belonged. I love that the rink has been open less than 2 months, and we've already got a nice little group of adult skaters who all hang out and practice together.

Yep, I love skating, I really do. 


  1. You really have improved lots! You look much more comfortable on the ice. I really want to suggest wearing more protection if you're scared. I think you said that you're wearing knee pads. Add hip pads to that! It's much easier to learn things when you're not scared of trying them out.

  2. Great progress, and what a lovely smile!

  3. It is brilliant to push yourself and do something totally away from the family, where you can be you, get a little head space...hats off to you!
